Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Keep on Doin' What You Do, B......But Remember "Now is Not Forever"

I know, I know, I know....blog posts only two days apart?  Are we reverting back to xanga frequency, Faith?  Well, I wanted to blog about B's release party while it was still fresh.  Oh my goodness, it was so much fun!  I invited my friend Valerie because I knew she'd enjoy it too and so that I'd always have someone to talk to if mingling turned out to be a bust.  Welp before it even got started we had the fun time getting to mingle and talk to Dave Barnes.  Not only does he have a fantastic singeing voice and is a gifted lyricist, but if you didn't know this before.....that guy is stinking hilarious. (<---click link to justify my statement)  I had met him a few weeks ago at work, and he knows I'm friends with Seth (who he is friends with too) and I could tell he was reeling, trying to figure out why I looked familiar.  Anyways, I filled him in and he did a crazy (ah HAH! That's it! laugh)  Then when we were all wrapping up the convo, he was like, well I'll see you again I'm sure.  And I said, yup, I'm there Monday/Friday.  I'm at Gotee Tues-Thurs.  He goes, "Ah, so you're cheating...double dipping!".  yup.  I am posting a video of him sharing nice words about B on my Facebook.  I still can't figure out how to make my blog capable of uploading videos.  The icon is nowhere to be seen.

                                              Dave said some of the sweetest things about B.

So the actual party was great fun.  It even involved crowd participation.  I was feeling gutsy when B conducted a trivia portion of the night.  (Hello challenge team/nerd bowl...I have ALWAYS loved trivia)  He asked, "who knows all the bands that I am touring with on the Creation Fest tour right now?"...Welp, thanks to my OTHER internship at Dryve, I knew this answer because I entered those tour dates for TFK on their website.  So, I got to go up on the mic, spill the answer, get a high 5 from B (who at this point I had not officially met and he didn't know I was basically his intern), and I won a gift card to supposedly this amazing coffee shop.  It is where he got coffee on his first episode of his webisodes called "something 2 remember".  To view this episode, click here
It's actually quite entertaining. I recommend watching. B's hilarious...and the boy can rhyme...and be smooth. :>)

Anyways, the rest of the party was quite fun.  My superiors introduced me to @therealtobymac (if you want to follow him on twitter).  Toby is a very small guy.  And his wedding ring is tattooed.  So hardcore.  It was a pleasure meeting one of my childhood heroes...shoot, it's a pleasure working for him.  He does not come in the office when I am there, but Joey (the other president) is there every day and he is fantastic too.  I am truly blessed by the people I work with, and last night, it was affirmed that it works the other way around too.  I was humbled.

                                              B.Reith with Joey Elwood (Gotee president)

To end the night, I introduced myself to B and talked to him a bit. I told him that I had a great time and I was truly encouraged by his music.  He thanked me for winning.  (He was kinda left hanging, cuz no one else was knowing the answer.)  It was a great night, and dude, the new album is phenomenal.  I am not just plugging him because he's on the label I am working for.  Seriously, go get that album.  It is only $7.99 on iTunes right now.  To sample and see a little bit about who B is, watch this---the single from his first EP. Or if you're more in a lovey dovey mood, watch AweStruck

B's last performance was one of my top 3 faves on the new album.  It's a very sweet worshipful song and you can view it here (from a few months ago when he sang it live fresh after being written)

Thanks to those who watched the Live party.  Gah, it was such a blast. I know Mom and Dad watched it and Hillary attempted.  Thanks guys!  It was really important to me and I'm so glad that y'all chose to be a part of it with me and as always are special part of my life.

Thanks for reading. You stay classy.

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