Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kill 'em with Kindess

I had a run-in with immaturity today. It was quite frustrating. I can't go into details since this is a public blog, but I have to say it was just mighty hard to man/woman up and be the bigger person in the situation. I knew I was running into the trying situation head-on and my wise roommate advised me to "Kill 'em with kindness". It worked out decently well I guess but still my head has been running wild. Gosh, could I be more ambiguous?

We have been anxiously moving out of our house in College Station. We have been going going going nonstop with moving things all we can clean...and then re-clean....And now only 2 more remain. Heather and I are the last ones left to assess the damage yet to be done. It is hard but it has to be done.

I have a phone interview Monday with another management company about possibly interning with them too. If it doesn't work out at the very least, I hope to keep the contact I made there open and amiable. They manage some of my favorite artists so it would be pretty cool. To name a few: FM Static, downhere, Shawn McDonald, Dave Barnes...etc. Did that get you excited?

I have been extremely emo all day. I even dressed the part. I found my dream shirt the other day. It is white and has music all over I want to try and "play" my shirt on the piano. I dunno what song it is. The staff is a little bit abstract though so I am not sure if it is actually possibly to make sense of the notes written all over it. So I wore that shirt today with my skinny jeans and new emo-flats with dots on them. It was stellar. My town hall friends should be proud of their influence on my wardrobe. :>)

I need to work out.

I am so pooped. Hopefully I didn't bore you with my venting. Still so much to do. It seems so trivial, but I am really leaning on God to try and get this all done. I feel like I have never been ripped into so many pieces in such a long time. I am so physically and emotionally drained I can hardly think straight.

Thanks for reading. You stay classy.

p.s. I attended the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince premiere and yes I dressed up:

This is my friend Kristen and me reppin' Gryffindor

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Just Want to Dance Like There's No Tomorrow...

Yes, my title IS a Paula Abdul song lyric. I am super cool like that. Oh College Station, you and I only have about 2 more weeks together. My feelings are split 50/50 with happy excitement and depressing sadness. When I live in the moment, I am so excited for what is coming next, but when I think about the past 4 years, often (like last night for instance, and the day before that for instance) I will begin to tear up and sometimes even cry full-out tears. The transition has been eased however because a lot of my friends have already moved on and I am one of the last to leave this town.

Lately, my days have been consumed with working 4 hours in the morning, and then running errands in the 199389897 degree heat. Today I had to buy a new muffler because well, I broke off my tailpipe last night. It had been on the brink, roaring a loud warning at me every time I accelerated or idled. The tail pipe falling off was the final indicator that it was time to buy that baby a new muffler. However embarrassing the roaring was, I couldn't help but wish that I had neon lights and hydrolics to go with it...oh and don't forget a rockin speaker system with the Bass turned up way loud.

I have 11 more days of work. I am definitely counting down the days. However, it is not so awesome that I have no idea where my next paycheck will come from after I receive these last 2 or 3.

Yesterday, after I missed the opportunity to partake in the awesomeness of realizing that the exact time was 12:34:56 on 07.08.09, I for the first time finally watched Independence Day, the movie. I kinda wished I had watched it 5 days ago when it would have had more IMPACT. bahaha. get it?...ok no. But I had always wanted to see it because 4 years ago in NYC I met Jeff Goldblum with friends and I didn't know who he was----the only movie I had seen with him was Jurassic Park when I was little and his other big hit likely that I would have known was Independence Day--which I had not seen. So for the last 4 years it has been on my list of movies to watch. I was impressed with it. Bill Pullman has never let me down. Love him. I also came to this realization. I was thinking that Jeff Goldblum (at least in that movie) has a similar voice to Harrison Ford. Then I chuckled to myself because I have not met too many actors, but it just so happens that I have met both of them. Interesting....Here, the proof is in the pictures...not the pudding like they say:

So what's on tap for tonight, you ask? I would love to go to the Fox with some friends for $2 pint night. I haven't done that in forever. Thanks and gig'em.

Thanks for reading. You stay classy.