Abigail and I did go audition in Arlington, TX on Friday for American Idol. Sadly, we were "not what they were looking for" this season. Also sadly we did not get to see Ryan Seacrest or any of the famous judges. (I really wanted to meet Simon really bad) The only judges here were producers, so I sang in front of someone who I don't even know who she was. I sang literally half of the first verse of Wide Open Spaces before I was cut off. :>( I guess time was of the essence when I am guessing there were about 6,000 people there to audition in just one day.
Overall, I had a great trip! It was a nice respite from work. I got to visit my good friends Alyssa and Callie and Angela while I was up there. I also met a nice Aggie in a coffee shop. Love that network!
After I left Dallas, I went to San Antonio to see my friend Kristen Huddleston. We worked the merchandise table for Autumn and Walt Wilkins for a show. It was pretty fun, but quite hot because the show was outdoors. Today I got to visit the Alamo for the first time since I was I think in a stroller. I didn't remember it being so small. Did it shrink? I guess I just got taller. Also the Gap had a killer jeans sale and I got 2 pairs of the most pefect fit for $19.99 each...regularly $58. I was in heaven. Well, it is nice to be back in College Station. This has been "home" for 4 years but it is kinda weird that I really only have about 4 more weeks left here. I am ready for a change though. I think it will be great.
Thanks for reading. You stay classy.
-Faith G.
i need to go to Gap apparently... so proud of yall 4 trying out:)