Saturday, August 22, 2009

I am ill-blog-iterate

I can't figure out very easily how to make my blog aesthetically pleasing.  I don't care enough to spend too much longer on it.  Hamburgers are calling me.  Checking out a new church tomorrow.  Still enjoying my time here.  I met Derek Webb yesterday at his house cuz I had to run an errand to drop off some stuff for him to autograph. HA! Is this really my life right now?

Short post, short attention span.

Stoked for what's next, yet I keep kinda having these crisis break-downs and I really want a pet kitten.  I need a job first though so I can afford the bills and food and litter for it.  Also, my own apt would be good.  Again, money being the backing for all of these ambitions.

Prayers accepted for my life,
Thanks for reading. You stay classy,

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