Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, Nashville has had beautiful snow since 10:30 Friday morning.  Abby and I have been somewhat stranded in our cozy home which means we've watched a LOT of movies, and eaten a LOT of junk food.  Neither of us like the cold but we love how fresh, clean and bright (Edelweiss?! haha) it looks outside.


My job has started out pretty great.  I really like the people and for the first time I'm very much working in a "team atmosphere" and I like that.  The goal is to make 100 calls a day and we keep track of them on a "tic sheet" and we put a tic mark for each call we make and then there are more boxes to say if they were a "connect" which means you actually talked to the church's youth leader, or you write if you left a message, etc as well as leaving notes in the database on the church's record so that the next person who calls them will know what they are facing.  We also leave notes like, "Secretary is kinda mean" just as a heads up. hahaha.  I actually made my first sale on Thursday right before it was time for me to leave, so that was a good way to end.  When someone makes a sale, you get to ring the bell on the ceiling.  It has strings spanning from it to each of the desks, so anyone can ring it, and that way it reinforces the team spirit---everyone rejoices when the bell is rung.
Yesterday Abby and I did get out of the house and we walked about 2 miles in the snow to Starbucks to meet our friends Valerie and Renee.  It was so cold, but so good to get out of the house.  Then Abby's bf Justin picked us up and took us to this Mexican place for dinner that I hadn't been to but I was thankful to discover (cuz it was really good!) and then we all went back to our house and watched movies/tv.  His car is safest on the road cuz it's a Subaru with 4-wheel drive and he's lived here for like 6 or 7 years and knows how to deal with the snow now even though he too is from Texas. 

I guess that about sums it up, I'm still probably going to play it safe today and not drive unless it melts a lot today.  It's bright and sunny and beautiful right now out there, so maybe later in the day it may be ok.  Till next time...

Thanks for reading. You stay classy.


  1. look happy to me, to me...
    Ok, so a few got to have snow, Starbucks, Valerie Abby and Renee, AND Mexican food all in the same day?!! And no Taylor the Dog? That seems like a pretty much perfect day to me! So cool. You have to promise to eat Mexican food and go to Starbucks with me when we get back...I miss you!! Congrats on the sale. The bell idea is really cool...great morale booster : )

  2. Hahaha! I have an awesome picture of this bell system forming in my head right now. Congrats, missy! Glad you are enjoying the snow - I'm not gonna lie, I'm super j right now ;)

    p.s. - awesome shout out to the Edelweiss.
